Hyperautomation – What is it and Why it Matters

The economy has seen its fair share of bumps lately. The global pandemic sent many workers home and many companies scrambling to figure out how to stay on top of productivity. As a result, operational efficiency has become the name of the game, or rather hyperautomation.

It is a combination of learning to better leverage the tools that have been available all along. As businesses are now forced to adapt and change, we as leaders must develop ways to demonstrate to our organizations how to reduce delays, remove overlaps and automated redundancies, and save the hands-on work for the essentials to drive successfully into the future.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is Hyperautomation?
  2. Hyperautomation is Right Now
  3. Hyperautomation Predictions from Gartner
  4. Digital First Initiatives
  5. Scalable RPA
  6. How to Stay on Trend with Hyperautomation

What is Hyperautomation?

It is not something new. The entire globe has recently faced a pandemic and change in the workforce. Whether the move was to work from home or, in some industries, a loss of workers, the pandemic made many businesses focus on how they will continue to be productive in the future.

Hyperautomation, as a trending term, is answering the need many industries have to stay productive when they cannot find enough workers to fill jobs. Is it automation on hyperdrive? Not exactly.

Hyperautomation is an approach that includes business-driven and disciplined methods to identify, verify, then automate as many processes as possible. Some newer business models are being built up with this in mind. It involves careful planning of using multiple tools, platforms, AI, machine learning, and other technologies to automate many business processes.

Hyperautomation is Right Now

Sometimes you learn about a trend and say, "Hmm, maybe I should check that out." Later, you hear about it again and realize that it was a great idea. Unfortunately, you missed out because all you did was pencil it in on a yellow sticky that eventually made its way to the trash can. You are not too late this time—hyperautomation is the big thing right now.

Workflow automation, process automation, and robotic process automation are all methods to improve front-end office procedures. For example, customer service can be automated through chatbots or through the ability for customers to schedule their own appointments. Likewise, marketing emails can be automated with each email added from the sales leadership team. There are many ways to add automation, and companies who use automation perform better than those who don't.

Hyperautomation Predictions from Gartner:

  • In 2025, over 20% of all products and produce will reach consumers as the first to be touched by human hands.
  • By 2024: You want to play with the big players? It's nearly halfway through 2022, and by 2024 over 70% of all large global companies will have at minimum 70 concurrent hyperautomation initiatives.
  • In 2024: 80% of hyperautomation will be limited to industry-specific investments targeting IP, data, architecture, integration, and development.
  • By 2024, companies that combine hyperautomation technology with operational processes will lower operating costs by 30%.

Digital First Initiatives

It may not be the first time you have heard of digital-first initiatives. However, it weighs heavily on IT departments as the amount of data that teams must be able to handle and manage continues to surge beyond their capacity.

When automation begins to make a real impact on reducing human error and makes processes more efficient, your IT department is not given room to breathe. However, as you continue to add more automations to your business processes, your IT teams can achieve more without the expanded and stressed resources. Adding hyperautomation to your digital-first initiatives ensures that automation is part of all your plans in the future.

Scalable RPA

It may be surprising to review the list of predictions above and note that more than 20% of all products will end up in the consumer's hands without ever being touched. This means that the person who buys the item will likely be the first person to have ever handled the product.

Robotic process automation, or RPA, allows many front-end office automations to be scalable, robust, and have deeper functionality. One prediction not listed above is that by 2023 (just six months away), successful organizations will be able to run 25% more tasks in their offices autonomously.

How To Stay on Trend with Hyperautomation

You don’t want to be left behind. It could be the last decision you have the opportunity to make for your business. Hyperautomation is a process that moves quickly. Are you going to be ready to compete?

At DataCose, we have developed a Tech Team in a Box, a team of experienced developers, coders, designers, and engineers that can help you automate the workflow processes in your business. No matter what your business needs, we can help. We can help with RPA, eCommerce platforms, customer portals, hyper-automation, and custom dashboards. Our biggest goal is to help your company succeed by showing you how to integrate the available technology to your best benefit.

If you are interested in workflow automation, RPA or hyperautomation—fill out the form below for a no-obligation review of how we can help you reach your goals.

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