Expert Data Migration Solutions

Data migration has been a very hot topic for businesses everywhere. Studies from Gartner show that spending on cloud services is rising and will dominate future IT decisions. By 2024, more than 45% of the IT department's expenditures will go toward cloud services. In addition, they forecast that as the COVID spread lessens, cloud data systems are expected to surge directly due to the move to remote work. The prediction means that many businesses that have not already relocated their data to the cloud will be in the process of creating a data migration strategy.

Read on to get some of the basics about data migration. Learn the differences between the data processes and the six basic types of data migration. With a better understanding of the terminology, you will also learn where to get started in locating a qualified data migration team. Come back to read the second part of this data migration series to get a more in-depth understanding of data migration.

What is Data Migration?

The definition of data migration, according to IBM, is "the process of transferring data from one storage system or computing environment." As businesses worldwide are migrating from legacy systems to cloud-based environments, data migration has been on the minds of CEOs and board members everywhere. Your company may be looking to upgrade to new servers or even consolidate multiple servers into one storage device. If your business is online, you may have opted for a data-driven eCommerce platform; there are numerous reasons why companies need to move their data. Many companies are turning to Airtable as an integrated cloud-based solution. However, Airtable uses 'bases' to form its database storage. Therefore, you would need a data migration specialist to move the data.

Now that you are facing the big data movement, you may have many questions on how data migration works. What if you lose data? How much downtime will it take? You are right to be focused on these issues; all of them will cost your company money. It can be critical to hire the right data migration specialists. You want this to be a seamless transition. When you work with a data migration team, you will find the most secure and cost-effective method of moving your data to its new location.

Data Migration, Integration, and Replication

As you search for solutions, you may find details about data migration, data integration, and data replication. However, without some background knowledge, it can be somewhat confusing. First, you will need to know the difference between data processes.

Six Basic Types of Data Migration

When you are ready to start your data migration, it helps to understand the six basic types. Then, as you look to hire certified data migration teams to handle your move with minor loss or downtime quickly, you will want to understand more about data migration. Your plan may consist of simply moving data from a legacy system into an all-in-one platform, but after consulting with experts, you may note that you need other data services.

There are six basic types of data migration you should know:

Regardless of the type of data migration you face at your company, finding qualified data migration specialists can be a challenge. Since data is the lifeblood of your entire business, you don't have time or money to waste in getting this wrong. No data means no business. Your choice to get this done is to either hire and build your data migration team in-house or outsource the data migration to experts.

Finding Expert Data Migration Solutions

When you are ready to start planning out your data migration, please fill out the form below and let our expert data migration specialists share some of their insights into moving data. DataCose has built elite data migration teams capable of managing even the most significant, enterprise-level data migrations. In addition, our team can go over the entire planning stages with your IT departments, allowing you to reassure your board members that your data is secure.

DataCose can help you also make decisions about workflow processes. For example, these processes may indicate that specific database platforms may work better for you if you are a large enterprise in the midst of moving an entire data center or a small business owner ready to start a data-accessible eCommerce platform. In that case, our data specialists have the knowledge to make your goals a success.

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